Money Advice Team
We have a team of experienced advisors to help and support you and they can help with the following:
• Benefit checks
• Income maximisation
• Benefit applications
• Challenging benefit decisions including appeal representation
• Money and debt advice
• Energy & budgeting advice
• Help to access grants
Money is something we all worry about especially now as we see a rise in our food , gas, electricity, fuel and we wonder how we will make our money stretch to ensure we can meet these essential living costs.
We understand these worries and concerns and we are here to help you. Our Money Advice Team will ensure you are receiving income that your entitled to, help you budget your money and manage your debts.
Our service is available to tenants, factored owners and those who access the many services offered by Cassiltoun Stables.
Our advice is free, impartial and confidential. If you need any help or would like to arrange an appointment please contact-us.