Rent Review Consultation - your views matter - Proposed rent increase from 1st April 2025
December 2024
The Association has written out to all our tenants who have a Scottish Secure Tenancy regarding the annual rent increase starting in April 2025.
Naturally, we want to keep rents as low as possible and balance this with maintaining good quality services, investing in our stock plus the day-to-day estate upkeep and the repairs service.
We constantly look for business efficiencies to get better value for money, however costs in the business are increasing by more than inflation and the Association is faced with new costs which include the increase in:
• Employers Nation Insurance
• Costs of bringing empty properties back to a lettable standard
• Cuts to grants for community projects and adaptations.
The coming year will also see the restart of our investment programme in tenants’ homes.
This year we are consulting on a 5.3% increase which allows us to meet all of our planned expenditure.
For more information and to give us your views please click on the QR code or link below, alternatively please complete the form issued with the letter sent on the 29th November and return to our office or email it to us at This should be returned by Friday 13th December 2024. Please provide your details if you wish to be entered into our prize draw for a chance to win a £40 Asda voucher.
You may also be contacted by Research Resource (via telephone or email) who are helping us gather tenants’ views.
The final decision on the rental increase will be approved by the Board of Management in February 2025.
If you are worried about paying your rent, please contact us straight away on 0141 634 2673, so we can talk about how we can help.
Castlemilk Human Rights Group up for Scottish Housing Award
October 2024
The Castlemilk Housing and Human Rights Lived Experience Group has been shortlisted for a Scotland Housing Award in the ‘Working in Partnership’ category.
International Human Rights law states that everyone has the right to good quality, affordable housing, the Lived Experience Group was set up to ensure that local people understand this and what it means within their everyday lives.
The Group is made up of Board members from Ardenglen, Craigdale, Cassiltoun and North View Housing Associations all in the Castlemilk area of south Glasgow.
All four associations have a shared belief that housing is a central human right and a gateway to the enjoyment of all other human rights such as wellbeing, good physical and mental health, higher educational attainment, access to and sustaining employment and fulfilling potential through career progression.
‘We have only been working for a relatively short period of time so to be short listed for such a prestigious award must mean the work were we doing to raise awareness of housing as a human right must be making an impact,’ said chair of the Lived Experience Group, Anna Stuart MBE (Chairperson of Cassiltoun Housing Association).
The work of the Group is focused on closing the gap between policy and practice, enabling communities and raising awareness.
‘We want to simplify the way people view human rights. We aim to reinforce with local people that human rights is not an abstract, they apply to everyone’s everyday lives and we want to enable them to have a voice to take control of these rights,’ said Anna.
The ceremony takes place on November 8.
Fun for all at the tenants conference
July 2024
We all had a fabulous time at the tenants conference in July, as well as lots of fun activities to celebrate our 40 years, tenants were able to provide us with vital feedback on our services.
Cassiltoun Turns 40
January 2024
This year marks 40 years since Cassiltoun first began (known back then as Castlemilk East Housing Co-Op).
We will be celebrating this milestone during the year with a series of events. The first is our tenants conference in July, we look forward to seeing you there and celebrating with you.
Cassiltoun Shortlisted for Glasgow Business Award for Net Zero Achievement
October 2023
Over the summer Cassiltoun Housing Assocation recieved funding from Glasgow Chamber of Commerce. This provided a 4 month placement who assessed the carbon footprint of Cassiltoun Trust and developed a Net Zero Action Plan. The Assocation has been shortlisted for the Net Zero Award along with other Glasgow businesses. The award ceremony is on the 5th October 2023
Cassiltoun Supports Young People Start their Career in Housing
June 2023
There is currently discussion in the housing sector about how we encourage more people to choose housing as a career. Over its long history Cassiltoun has always supported people of all ages to gain skills and experience through volunteering opportunities and work placements and this year has been no different. We were delighted this summer when 4 members of our staff/Modern Apprentices completed their qualifications in Business SCQF level 6 . All four have been successful in gaining employment in the sector.
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Hazardous Waste Campaign
In Glasgow, there has been a significant increase in hazardous - often explosive - items being deposited in domestic bins. These items are unsafe and cannot be managed through the normal waste and recycling collection services.
Incorrect disposal of hazardous items puts the health and safety of staff at risk and jeopardises the integrity of critical processing infrastructure. Glasgow City Council have launched their first phase of their Hazardous Waste Campaign. More information can be found on their website
Digital Impact Awards
Our office at the Stables is now open
Office Opening Times
Our office and phones lines are now open from 8.30am - 5pm on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8.30am to 12.30pm on a Wednesday and 8.30am to 4pm on a Friday.
Rent/factoring Payments
You can make your payments in the following ways:
Chip and pin. Please telephone our office on 0141-634-2673 or email and we will arrange for someone to call you back.
Direct Debit. Please telephone our office on 0141-634-2673 or email and we will arrange this for you.
(If you wish to discuss paying by Bank Transfer please telephone the Association)
If you are experiencing difficulties in paying your rent or factoring charges please contact us as we have staff available to provide advice and assistance to you.
Money Advice
If you wish to speak to the Advice Team whether for Benefit or Money or Debt Advice please contact the office and an appointment will be made for you. All information is dealt with in the strictest confidence.
Community Events and Activities
For more information on what the Community Team have been involved in check out our Facebook Page: Cassiltoun Housing Association
Or check out our Events Calendar here : Events & Activities
You can contact us and keep up to date via:-
· Phone - 0141-634-2673
· Email –
· Facebook –
· X (formally known as Twitter -